I'll say now that this blog won't be only about ferrets, though they are wonderful companion pets. I picked the name because my S.O. (significant other) refers to our house a ferret village (due to my fuzzies' hilarious antics).
I'll also say now that regardless of similar names, there is no relation between this blog and the Ferret Village forum- though I am a member of their forum and think its a wonderful community and resource (as are most ferret forums).
This could be considered my first "blog", though I have used online diaries/journals in the past, including LiveJournal, Myspace, Facebook, and more.
A bit about myself... I'm a college student/at-home mom/ferret owner (ferrent)/web designer/gamer (with no time to play).. and lots more.
My current daily internet haunts are:
The Holistic Ferret Forum
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community
Here's the current fuzzy population of my ferret village:

A little about the fuzzy residents of ferret village... they are on a natural diet (raw meat/bones and whole prey)/free roamers (in a ferret-proofed bedroom mostly)/chewers (love all things rubbery, like PS2 controllers and computer scroll buttons)/dookers (when playing, Weasel dooks like a clucking chicken and Slinky squeaks like a girl)/weasel war dancers/lap rats (Weasel lets anyone hold him and Slinky will walk up and fall asleep on your legs)... lots of which is so hilarious... that it can only be called ferret village. Only in a ferret village will you see ferrets dook and war dance, grab and shake rubber objects as dogs would, and wipe out many times (as ferrets can't jump far distances and aren't too coordinated)..
If you're reading, please say hi. We can talk ferrets or anything else. Have a great weekend!
(From the Mayor of Ferret Village)
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